Islamic Republic Of Iran
President Deputy Strategic Planning and Control

Contractor Qualification Certificate

No: 20/22/7087
Date: 11/11/2009

Mr Mehdi Kimiavey
Managing Director of Balagar Company
Registration No.: 00049551

Approved on the strength of No. H23251T/48013 dated March 2, 2002, the council of honorable ministers by Qualification Company for doing order contractor announced as follows:

1. Grade A in the field of Construction
2. Grade A in Water Technology
3. Grade A in Transportation
4. Grade B in Infrastructure and Equipment

Calling for tender legality take apart with approved No. 130890 dated February 6, 2005, related executive order and licensed duration work in time referring act, that’s essential by company.

 Mohammad Mehdi Rahmati

Control Strategic Deputy


 For   Behnaz Porseid

Director General 

Office executive technical system


 Certificate validity until export date to end of assessment and mostly four gears duration on the strength of third section in 5 items. Prescription special manner of investigation to contractor offends; every change in this company should be announced mostly three month duration. Unless certificate issued invalidity.


Please pay attention to contents of back certificates.